Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times

Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times

If you listen to the radio, watch the news on TV, read the newspaper, go on Facebook, browse the internet, or talk with people, even a little, chances are you’ve been inundated with uncertainty. The uncertainty of it all is what sells papers… or ads on the...
Payment Frequency, Does it Really Make a Difference?

Payment Frequency, Does it Really Make a Difference?

It has been said that there are two certainties in life; death and taxes. Well, as it relates to your mortgage, the single certainty is that you will pay back what you borrowed, plus interest. However, how you make your mortgage payments, the payment frequency, is...
Don’t Assume Anything!

Don’t Assume Anything!

A lot of people get into hot water when they assume that because they’ve qualified for a mortgage in the past, they will qualify for a mortgage in the future. This article has one point to make and it’s this: Don’t assume anything when dealing with...

5 Things to Help You Survive Your 40s & 50s

You know those days where everything goes wrong and you’re so tired you don’t know what direction’s up? They’re a lot more manageable when you know what you’re working towards.   Here’s 5 things that’ll help you survive—and make the most of!—your 40s and 50s. 1. Do...
What is Bridge Financing?

What is Bridge Financing?

Let’s say you have a home that you’ve outgrown, it’s time to make a move to something more suited for your family. You have no desire to keep two houses, so you decide that selling your existing home, and moving into something new is the best idea....