A More Human Approach to Productivity

A More Human Approach to Productivity

Chris Bailey from A Life of Productivity was recently asked to give a presentation at TEDxLiverpool, here it is in all it’s YouTube glory!  Chris has been obsessed with the subject of productivity for more than a decade. In this talk, he argues that productivity...
Further Tightening of the Mortgage Belt

Further Tightening of the Mortgage Belt

Before reading this you should be warned that the following content is pretty dry… like eating 8 saltine crackers without drinking water dry. If you need to go and get something to drink before proceeding, no worries, we will wait here. Take your time.  The...
Use Low Rates to Your Advantage!

Use Low Rates to Your Advantage!

In an article I recently published called “Is Now a Good Time to Buy?” we identified that interest rates are at all time Canadian lows and as it’s never been cheaper to borrow money, now is a good time to buy property. In no way was it being said...